What’s better than Markdown to format publications? a rich text editor!
The Noticeable dashboard is now including a rich text editor. Formatting and customizing the appearance of your publications is now simpler than ever.
You can include images, videos, format titles using different levels, put text in bold, italic, underline or even strike. Quotes are also supported along with lists, code snippets, tables, and dividers.
To apply formatting or actions, you can use the visual toolbar, shortcuts (e.g. CTRL+B
to set your current selection in bold), or the Markdown syntax! Indeed, for backward compatibility but also because some of you love Markdown, we still support the syntax as you type.

There is another tip we would like to share. When writing your publication, the content is saved as soon as the editor loses focus or you click on Continue. However, it is also possible to trigger a save by pressing CTRL+S
What about content published through the GraphQL API or Zapier? in this context, you don’t have a rich text editor. As a consequence, you can either use plaintext or the Markdown syntax.
PS: some of you asked, the editor is built on top of ProseMirror, a great open-source toolkit for building rich text editors (we contributed ESM support).