Additional project steps

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now added yard selection as an own project step. This step includes the various price quotations provided by shipyards as well as the price comparison matrix. In addition, we have given the design a facelift.

See who else is currently working on the same project as you

by Sasan Mameghani
While you are working on a project, you can see who else is working on the same project in real time. Anyone else who is on working on the same project will appear on the top of the page. Pro tip: By having each member of the team...

Assign responsible person to each work order

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now assign someone as responsible for a work order. This will allow each person to have a more personalized work order list which in turn increases efficiency.


by Sasan Mameghani
You can now define teams for each vessel. Include the crew, the superintendent and anyone else who work together on a ship's projects. Defining teams will, among other things, allow you to quickly assign responsibilities within a project.


by Sasan Mameghani
Now, when you log on to Maindeck, you will see a notification showing you the activities that have occurred since you were last logged on.

Progress updates in the web app

by Sasan Mameghani
Until now, you have been able to add progress updates through the mobile inspection app. With this release, you can now also add updates directly in the web app.

Daily reports

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now easily compile progress updates, variation orders and and other activities into daily reports. All key information is fetched automatically, and you can choose which updates (if any) to include, with images of course.

Variation orders

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now add variation orders to the project during the execution phase. These are two ways to add variation orders, (1) editing an existing work order or (2) adding a new work order that was not a part of the originally agreed upon...

Updated mobile inspection app

by Sasan Mameghani
We just updated the mobile app so that you now can send progress updates during the execution phase of the project. Attach multiple images, comments and use the progress slider to set the progress. Access to work orders in the inspection...