Maindeck Updates

Receive progress updates

by Sasan Mameghani
Receive progress updates from contractors, crew and others for work orders you have assigned them. The updates help keep track of every development of the project and is easily included in reports.

Spare parts overview

by Sasan Mameghani
We just released a specific tab for spare parts! This allows you to manage all spare parts in one complete view, and see which work orders are requiring a specific spare part. If the delivery date is after when it's required by a work...


by Sasan Mameghani
Add as many subtasks as needed to each work order. Add descriptions and when completed, mark them as done.

New ship particulars page

by Sasan Mameghani
We have released an improved ship particulars page - now with more than 200 data fields per vessel. We have also included a read-only view for users without permission to edit.

Price comparison matrix

by Sasan Mameghani
Import your quotes received from shipyards and compare them in our automatically populated matrix. When you select a shipyard, the project management module is populated with the agreed upon details from the selected yard.

Clone projects

by Sasan Mameghani
We're happy to announce the release of this much demanded feature, namely cloning of projects. We already have standard work orders in place to help you get easily started with projects, but now it gets even easier! By cloning an entire...

Archiving projects

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now archive and unarchive projects in the project's general settings tab. While a project is archived, it is removed from the Projects overview on the side navigation and accessible through an own page called Archived projects.

Relaunched improved export functionality for the entire project

by Sasan Mameghani
We just relaunched the export functionality that goes for the entire project. This includes an improved pdf-page layout and an improved Excel sheet with all work orders and their respective cost fields added. The Excel sheet has ready...

Export single work orders to Excel

by Sasan Mameghani
Sometimes you want to export single work orders only. Now you can do this directly through the list view, and the output is an Excel spreadsheet with styling.