Filter work orders in report settings

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now released a filter in the report settings area. This will allow you to delegate work orders to people much, much faster.

Bookmark updates to more easily add them in reports later

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now added the ability to bookmark progress updates and variation orders. This will allow you and your team to mark updates that are of more importance so that you can more easily locate them at a later stage.

Filter work order list based on person responsible

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now filter the work order list based on who's responsible for each work order. For instance, if you only want to see the work orders you will be working on, then just filter the list on yourself and suddenly the list becomes much...

Improved vessel cards with direct links to its various projects

by Sasan Mameghani
The vessel cards now contain more information. In addition to direct links to its various projects, you can also see the the vessel's team directly on the card.

Uniformed interface - cards

by Sasan Mameghani
We have improved the interface across several pages, implementing a similar card view for both the progress updates and the variation orders, regardless of the page it is viewed on. This will make it easier for users navigating across...


by Sasan Mameghani
We have now improved our breadcrumbs so that each page name also is a link, making it easier for you to navigate the platform.

Filter and search the Gantt chart

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now filter and search in the Gantt chart, allowing you to easily navigate the chart area.

Gallery view of images

by Sasan Mameghani
In the gallery view, you can inspect uploaded images in much more detail than before.

Chart for daily cost development added to dashboard

by Sasan Mameghani
With this chart you can see the total cost for each day as it develops though changes (variation orders). The chart breaks down all the various costs (stacked bar), as well as showing a line for the budget. The chart is also very...