SFI lookup

by Sasan Mameghani
Make sure you apply the correct SFI code with our new SFI lookup which automatically suggests SFI codes based on the work order name!

Implement your own SFI structure

by Sasan Mameghani
You can now implement your own company's SFI structure to your Maindeck account.

Project statistics

by Sasan Mameghani
As the scope of the project expands, you can choose to see the project stats. This will prompt an on-page statistics overview giving you the necessary insights to see the current project scope.

New file upload functionality

by Sasan Mameghani
With the new file upload functionality, uploads will automatically be paused if the internet connection is lost. Once the connection is established again ,uploads ca nbe resumed. This way, crew onboard vessels with poor internet...

Elastic search

by Sasan Mameghani
By implementing Elastic Search, our search functionality just become very intelligent. You no longer need to worry about typos, the search field will show the work orders that most resembles your search term. And if you are searching for...

Our app is now also available on App Store

by Sasan Mameghani
We are happy to announce that our mobile inspection app now also is available on App Store. While the app has been available on Google Play for over a year, Apple users have had access through our beta program. From now on, all Apple...

Microsoft Azure

by Sasan Mameghani
We have recently changed our hosting to Microsoft Azure and been accepted to Microsoft's startup program.

Additional project steps

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now added yard selection as an own project step. This step includes the various price quotations provided by shipyards as well as the price comparison matrix. In addition, we have given the design a facelift.

See who else is currently working on the same project as you

by Sasan Mameghani
While you are working on a project, you can see who else is working on the same project in real time. Anyone else who is on working on the same project will appear on the top of the page. Pro tip: By having each member of the team...