Maindeck Updates

Separate cost overview page

by Sasan Mameghani
We just released a separate cost overview page. This is a stand-alone page that aggregates all cost information from work orders into one big overview, so that reading into costs becomes easier.

Search field

by Sasan Mameghani
We added a search field to allow you to more easily navigate to any specific work order. As you type in the search field, the work order list instantly updates with matching work orders.

Costs and estimates

by Sasan Mameghani
Today we added a proper cost field for each work order. This means that you can add as many different cost lines as you need per work orders. Specify cost type (spare parts, owner's expense, yard cost etc), price type (lump sum, per unit...

New frontend

by Sasan Mameghani
We have recently released a new frontend on our web app. This is more than just a prettier interface as it means we now have a 100% React frontend which in turn will allow us to offer offline functionality in our web app as well. Please...

Fixed bug on mobile phone

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now fixed the bug which in some cases made it difficult to upload several images, one after the other.

All fields editable on the single work order page

by Sasan Mameghani
We have now made the top information bar on the "single work order page" editable. With this in place you can edit all fields from all views, so it's completely up to you which view you prefer.

Gallery now also in list view!

by Sasan Mameghani
Although we already had the gallery both on the single work order view and in the mobile inspection app, it was missing in the list view. Well, not any more! You can now drag-n-drop images to specific work orders directly in the list.

Fixed: Filtering bug in mobile app

by Sasan Mameghani
We had a minor bug in the filtering functionality in the work order list view. The bug was when applying filters that that had no matching work orders, in this scenario the "reset filters" option did not show. This is now fixed!

Text snippets are back

by Ekaterina Nikonova
Reusable text snippets are once again available in the general project information. Now you can edit them straight away, without unnecessary clicks, and remove those that are no longer needed. A well-composed collection of snippets will...