We just released a report showing which Office 365 mailboxes are licensed and monitored.

You can view the report by going to the dashboard page on Barracuda Sentinel. It displays a list of all the mailboxes (users and shared mailboxes) and whether they have an Exchange license entitelment or not, and whether it is being monitored and protected by Barracuda Sentinel or not.

It is possible that a mailbox does not have an Exchange license, but Barracuda Sentinel will still monitor and protect it. There is also the case where a mailbox is licensed but we are unable to monitor it. Those are rare.

We think the report will go a long way in helping you understand which mailboxes are being protected by Barracuda Sentinel.

Learn more about it at https://campus.barracuda.com/product/sentinel/doc/91984521/understanding-the-dashboard/