Quirk Updates

Android, Localization, and Intro Screens

by Evan Conrad
A whole bunch of things have happened since the last change-log update: Android is released! We fixed a bunch of bugs and it should be good to go now! Get it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tech.econn.quirk Quirk is...

Expanding Inputs!

by Evan Conrad
Expanding Inputs! The new version fixes some bugs and adds expanding inputs so things are easier to read, even with many lines.

Cognitive Distortion Help Text

by Evan Conrad
What's new In the current iOS and Android beta, you should see new explanations about all the cognitive distortions! To support this, we've reworked the navigation as well. These explanations are really early first drafts, so if they...

Android Beta Signup

by Evan Conrad
Hey! I have an Android version working! 🎉🎉🎉 Want to try it out? Sign up here: https://airtable.com/shrzRSVbFy1wfxuCY I don't use Android myself, so if you notice something that doesn't feel super Android-y, let me know ASAP and I...

Beta Test Cognitive Distortions without Scrolling

by Evan Conrad
Hey folks! I'm testing out a new selection mechanism in the Cognitive Distortion selector. This one does not use any scrolling which should prevent a "scroll inside of scroll" effect that pops up on smaller screens. This is a first...

A CBT crash course is live!

by Evan Conrad
Hey folks! When you open the app after you download the update, you'll see a new onboarding screen that teaches you about CBT. At the moment this will just appear once, but soon you'll be able to come back to it. Hope this helps, if...

Fix is live!

by Evan Conrad
If you noticed that the app didn't look a lot like the screenshots, you stumbled into a bug where a really old prototype was getting shown instead of the most up to date version. That's been fixed, download the new version to see the...

Fix for Quirk Old Version Bug Coming Soon

by Evan Conrad
If you're seeing something different than the screenshot, not to worry! A long-term fix is coming in the next update. It should launch within the next few days. In the meantime, you can fix it by closing the app and relaunching it...