Module sub-commands like load, unload or switch, may perform multiple load or unload modulefile evaluations in a row. Also these kind of evaluation modes may sometimes trigger additional load or unload evaluations, when for instance a modulefile contains a module load command.

To improve the readability of the module messages produced relatively to a load or an unload evaluation, these messages are now stacked under a Loading or an Unloading message block that gathers all the messages produced for a given modulefile evaluation:

$ module load --no-auto foo
Loading foo/1.2
  ERROR: foo/1.2 cannot be loaded due to missing prereq.
    HINT: the following module must be loaded first: bar/4.5

In addition, foreground load, unload, switch and restore actions (ie. asked on the command-line) now report a summary of the additional load and unload evaluations that were eventually triggered in the process:

$ module load --auto foo
Loading foo/1.2
  Loading requirement: bar/4.5

This change is available in git repository and was the last addition to the imminent v4.2 release.