New Modules variables are introduced to determine during the evaluation of a modulefile or a modulerc what module implementation is currently in use. The ModuleTool variable corresponds to the name of the module implementation and is set to Modules for this project. The ModuleToolVersion variable corresponds to the version number of the implementation (e.g. 4.7.0).

With these new variables it is possible to precisely know what module command is in use then adapt modulefile code to handle a specific behavior or leverage a new feature.

The modulefile command versioncmp is also introduced to provide a simple way to compare two version strings and return if first version string is less than, equal to or greater than second one.

if {[info exists ModuleTool] && $ModuleTool eq {Modules}
    && [versioncmp $ModuleToolVersion 4.7] >= 0} {
    # here some code specific for Modules 4.7 and later versions

The ModuleTool and ModuleToolVersion variables and the versioncmp modulefile command are supported by the Lmod project starting version 8.4.8.