Environment Modules Updates

Storing initialization config files in etcdir

by Xavier Delaruelle
When initializing the module command in a shell session, initialization configuration files stored in the defined configuration directory are taken into account if present instead of the configuration files stored in the initialization...
new feature

Disabling shell startup file configuration

by Xavier Delaruelle
The MODULESSETSHELLSTARTUP environment variable is introduced to control whether or not shell startup file should be set to ensure module command is defined once shell has been initialized. When enabled, the ENV and BASHENV environment...
new feature

Search matching style

by Xavier Delaruelle
The MODULESSEARCHMATCH environment variable is introduced to define the matching style to perform when searching for available modules. With starts_with value, modules whose name begins by search query string are returned. When search...
new feature

Disabling implicit default version

by Xavier Delaruelle
The MODULESIMPLICITDEFAULT environment variable is introduced to choose whether an implicit default version should be defined for modules with no default version explicitly defined. When enabled, which is the default behavior, a module...
new feature


by Xavier Delaruelle
The MODULESUNLOADMATCH_ORDER environment variable is introduced to set whether the firstly or the lastly loaded module should be selected for unload when multiple loaded modules match unload request. Configure option --with-unload-match...
new feature

Configure modulecmd with config sub-command

by Xavier Delaruelle
The config sub-command has been added to module to help getting or setting the modulecmd.tcl options. With no additional command-line argument, this sub-command reports the current value of all existing options with a mention to indicate...
new feature

Colored output

by Xavier Delaruelle
The ability to graphically enhance some part of the produced output has been added to improve readability. Among others, error, warning and info message prefixes can be colored as well as modulepath, module alias and symbolic version...
new feature

Non-recursive module avail search

by Xavier Delaruelle
The module avail sub-command gets two new command-line switches: --indepth and --no-indepth. These options control whether search results should recursively include or not modulefiles from directories matching search query. Let's take...
new feature

Modulepath rc file

by Xavier Delaruelle
A .modulerc file found at the root of an enabled modulepath directory is now evaluated when modulepath is walked through to locate modulefiles. This modulepath rc file gives for instance the ability to define a module alias whose name...
new feature