Hi All,

Based on previous usage, the default allocation of 1GB of memory per cpu is too low. I have now increased this default to 2GB of memory per cpu.

If you are not setting memory requirements in your job(s), this will change will affect them.

If you are already setting memory requirements in your job(s), this change will not affect you.

Best practice is to specify memory in all jobs. If you haven’t been doing so and are now running into issues (waiting in partitions for longer than usual), you’ll now need to specify memory per cpu in jobs.

--mem-per-cpu=1G # when passed via command line,
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G # when added to a submission script.

Adding either option should set your memory per cpu back to 1GB.

** Again, if you are already using the --mem= or --mem-per-*= options, no changes are required for your job(s).

Thank You