changelog Updates

Memex Login Hung on 11/17/21

by Floyd Fayton
Initial incident and probable cause: Broken pipe on the login caused by a file update on the login. The master node and login were both rebooted and “wwsh file sync” commands were automated (crontab and cron.hourly).
System Failure

SLURM's Default Memory Per CPU Increased (1GB --> 2GB)

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Hi All, Based on previous usage, the default allocation of 1GB of memory per cpu is too low. I have now increased this default to 2GB of memory per cpu. If you are not setting memory requirements in your job(s), this will change will...

SLURM Priority Adjustment

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Since priorities were not working for those users who use Memex less frequently and in smaller batches of submitted jobs, these parameters were adjusted: As a result gres/gpu was added to: This functionality changes in SLURM 19+, but...

Did You Know ... Slack Edition

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Did you know we have a Slack channel for HPC/Research Computing? Signup to our Carnegie Institution for Science workspace (click here) and then join the #hpc channel. Please use your Google login, "", email...
Welcome Guide

Did You Know ... Python Edition

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Did you know official support for Python 2 is over? That said, we have Python 3 available on Memex by loading the module, "python/3.6.7". This Python version includes conda, R, Jupyter, IntelMPI, and many other packages. Most...
Welcome Guide

Did You Know ... Storage Edition

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Did you know there's a 256GB quota for all This policy will be fully enforced in the coming weeks. This requirement is needed to manage space and load for > ==Note:== If you are currently over the limit, you will have time to move...
Welcome Guide

Did You Know ... SLURM Edition

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Did you know there's a gui to view SLURM jobs? Inside a VNC or "ssh -XY .." session, type Did you know you can view the maximum resources of each node with: Did you know you can view the maximum memory used for running jobs with (see...
Welcome Guide

User reported that rsync/cp/scp too slow on /memexnfs/apps,

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Temporary Resolution 01/02/20: Using rclone instead of rsync/cp/scp is 10x faster for large directory and possibly large file syncs to /memexnfs/ mountpoints. Although all reads from /memexnfs mounts are performing performing as...
System Failure

Login Node Slowness (module command hanging on

by Floyd Fayton, HPC Admin
Resolved 12/10/19: After tuning the NFS server and clients, the slowness was resolved. Although there were several adjustments, the RPCNFSDCOUNT variable in /etc/sysconfig/nfs was the change that made the biggest improvement (100x...
System Failure