New stats filters: Support for Ticket Fields and Advanced logic

Introducing new Statistics filters!

We have given our Statistics filters a visual makeover and enhanced their functionality!

Support for Exclusion in Filters

In all new reports, filters now support both inclusion and exclusion logic.

You can now exclude tags, agents, or any value from existing filters in the reports.

Support for Ticket Fields Drop-Down Filters

You can now use Ticket Fields drop-down filters in most new reports (Support Overview, Agents, Busiest Times, Channels, SLAs, Ticket Fields).

This enhancement allows you to cross-reference Ticket Fields to investigate and understand the breakdown of one dimension (e.g., Contact Reason) by another dimension (e.g., Resolution).

For example, if your account includes the Ticket Fields: Product, Contact Reason, and Country, and you want to answer the question, “What are the most returned products in the UK?”, you would:

  1. Open the Ticket Fields report.

  2. Report on Product.

  3. Add a filter for Contact Reason set to "Return."

  4. Add a filter for Country set to "UK."

Please refer to this video for a visual illustration.

Note: New filters are not available in legacy reports. However, once they are migrated to the new stats system, they will benefit from the same filter improvements.

To learn more, check out our updated Help docs here.