Gorgias Updates

Display your company's logo in your chat's header

by Martin
Hi there, We've just added a new functionality to our chat: you can now choose to display an image in your chat's header, like your company logo for example, instead of the avatar of your customer support agents: You can modify this...
New feature

Auto-responder improvements

by Martin
We've updated the behavior of the auto-responder for Chat, Facebook Messenger and Smooch integrations. The auto-responder is not related to agents availability anymore, but will instead behave differently depending on whether we're...

Macro intents

by Jean
New feature
Starting today, you can specify an intent on your macros to describe in which cases you use them to respond to your customers. For example when a customer asks for your exchange policy and you use a macro to respond to that you should...

Customer notes

by Martin
You can now add notes to your Gorgias customers. Those notes are synchronized with your Shopify store (if you have one connected to your Gorgias account): editing a note in Shopify will synchronize it in Gorgias, and vice versa. Though...
New feature

Required email capture in the Chat

by Martin
You can now prevent customers from sending a message in your Chat if they haven't entered their email address! This should help a lot reducing the number of tickets where customers left after leaving a message in the chat, thus becoming...
New feature

Autocomplete phrases when typing messages

by Victor
New feature
You can now press the "Tab" key to autocomplete some of your sentences when typing messages in Gorgias, allowing you to be even more efficient at replying to tickets. How it works: Occasionally, when you are typing a message, we will...

Chat internationalization

by Martin
New feature
You can now set your Chat integration's language to your customers' language! We have removed the ability to customize each and every text field of the Chat integration, and replaced it with a global Language option. Currently...

Chat status now depends on business hours

by Martin
Based on your feedback, we have updated the way Chat integrations switch between "online" and "away" status. It now depends on the business hours configured for your account: during business hours, your chat will always display as...
New feature

Unassign on reply

by Martin
Hi there, We've just released a new feature: Unassign on reply. From now on, if you're assigned on a Chat or Messenger ticket, leave Gorgias, and the customer sends a new message in the ticket, the ticket will be unassigned from you so...
New feature