Gorgias Updates

Mobile Exit Intent Trigger Improvement

by Matilda Lee
Exciting news for brands with high mobile traffic! We’ve improved our mobile exit intent trigger. Now, mobile shoppers will encounter the exit intent campaign if they exhibit behavior suggesting an attempt to close the browser, like

Convert Campaign Library

by Mariusz Janczyn, Software Engineer
Introducing Campaigns Library! Convert Subscribers now have direct access to our top campaign templates, seamlessly integrated into the campaign creation process. Creating powerful campaigns has never been easier. With just a few
New feature

New Onboarding Flow for Convert Campaigns

by Nicolae Godina, Software Engineer
Introducing a Seamless Onboarding Experience for Campaigns! Our Enhanced Onboarding Journey is here! For Convert Subscribers, we've created a guided onboarding experience, making sure you have: 1️⃣ Verified your Shopify Store 2️⃣

Chat campaigns, shopify action and new keyboard shortcut

by Gorgias Team
We've made a few improvements with the chat campaigns, shopify's edit last order shipping address action and we added a new keyboard shortcut! See the details below or check out the video. Chat campaigns When a message on the chat is...
Bug fix

New integration: smile.io + many small bug fixes and improvements

by Gorgias Team
New feature
Bug fix
You may have heard about our new Smile.io integration here as one of the latest new releases. At Gorgias we're trying to get to you as many features as we can, but we also have to do some less exciting maintenance and bug fixing as part...