Gorgias Updates

Collection-Based Unique Discount Code

by Matilda Lee
Users can now apply unique discount codes to specific collections. This improvement provides greater flexibility, allowing you to offer targeted discounts on selected collections rather than your entire product catalog. Enjoy more control

Campaign Status Overview

by Matilda Lee
Performance Dashboard has undergone another improvement — Campaign Status Overview🚦 What is it? The Campaign Status Overview allows you to view the current status of all your campaigns at a glance within the Performance Tab. You can now

Quick Responses sunset and turned into improved Flows 🚀

by Jordan Miller, Product Marketing Manager - Automate
We’re saying goodbye to Quick Responses to prioritize Flows — a much more powerful alternative. While Quick Responses are no longer supported, you’re not losing any functionality. We automatically turned your Quick Responses into Flows.

Drop-off Analysis in Flow Builder

by Narcisa Minca, Full Stack Developer
We are excited to announce a new addition to the Flow Builder – the Flow Drop-off Analysis! 🎉 The drop-off analysis allows you to see where customers are exiting your flows, step by step. This new capability enables you to identify and
New feature

Voice Analytics Drill Down

by Denisa Dumitru, Software Engineer
We're thrilled to introduce our Voice Analytics Drill Down! Get detailed insights into your call metrics, including average wait time, and talk time. What metrics can I drill down on? On the voice overview page, you can drill down on

Shopify Actions for AI Agent

by Jordan Miller, Product Marketing Manager - Automate
New feature
We’re excited to announce that our first pre-built Actions are now available for AI Agent! Cancel Order in Shopify Edit Order Shipping Address in Shopify These Actions will help you instantly resolve more types of requests from customers

Convert Orders Metric Drilldown

by Jan Balaz
New feature
Our Performance Dashboard just got a major upgrade 🎉 Now, you can dive into a detailed view of all the orders generated from your campaigns. No more just seeing the number of orders—now you can see exactly what products were ordered, the

📊 Improved Channels Report

by Charles Jacquet
We have updated the Channels report It uses our new data stack, which means that you will be able to aggregate up to a year worth of data, and will ensure data consistency for past periods. We have also added support for more metrics!

Meet your new team member: AI Agent

by Bernie Goldenberg, Senior Product Marketing Manager - Automate
New feature
We’re thrilled to announce that AI Agent is now available in all Automate subscriber Gorgias accounts! Get ready to transform your customer experience. Who is AI Agent? AI Agent is your newest team member. It sends accurate, personalized