Sales&training materials just got updated!

by LiveChat Partners
We updated the Sales & training section with new materials and learning opportunities. The section is now divided into two parts focusing on demo preparation and product learning.  Within the first part, you can learn how our products
Solution Program

Boost your performance with new charts!

by LiveChat Partners
Thinking about ways to boost your performance and spot winning campaigns quicker? Check out the newest charts that have appeared in your Partner App! Seeing all essential data at a glance will help you learn about your progress
Affiliate Program
Solution Program

Introducing: the license history

by LiveChat Partners
Knowledge is power. That’s why we’ve introduced the license history, allowing you to see and track the most important events happening on your customers' accounts. Now, you’ll be able to quickly check status of the license or
Solution Program

Recorded onboarding for your convenience

by LiveChat Partners
Didn't have time to schedule an onboarding call with us? Worry not; we understand how busy you are, so we recorded the essentials of our partnership and published it in the Sales & Training section. From this video, you'll learn about:- how
Solution Program

Will the Marketplace bring you customers?

by LiveChat Partners
Should you list your company on our Marketplace? How the LiveChat app can help your customers? The new episode of The Bigger Picture is out, don’t miss it!
Solution Program

Discover license alerts and the LiveChat Messaging Mode

by LiveChat Partners
In the new episode of The Bigger Picture, we’re presenting license alerts, notifications dedicated for our Partners. We also explain how is the Messaging Mode changing the face of LiveChat. Enjoy!
Solution Program

The Bigger Picture is ready to watch!

by LiveChat Partners
Today, we're talking about: the last-minute holiday season tips on how to optimize LiveChat greetings, how the new ChatBot after-hours template can be used during the holiday break, and about a tiers system that we've just introduced in the
Solution Program

The Bigger Picture video is out!

by LiveChat Partners
Solution Program
Partner Program
What’s here for you? A sneak peek of how LiveChat and Mailchimp can benefit your customers’ businesses, ChatBot’s unique selling points explained, and how rich messages revolutionize how your customers can communicate with iOS users. Enjoy!

Learning Series: ChatBot in a nutshell

by LiveChat Partners
Do you know that ChatBot can bring tremendous value to your customers? Check our latest blog post and learn more!
Solution Program