Introducing new logos of our products

by LiveChat Partners
Partner Program
Have you noticed it already? We started using a new logo! The change is bigger than just LiveChat. Our team also makes ChatBot, which you can refer through the Partner Program already, as well as HelpDesk, and KnowledgeBase, which we'll...

LiveChat has moved to domain!

by LiveChat Partners
We’ve acquired the domain and migrated LiveChat’s website to it. This is a historic event for us and our whole team has been waiting for this moment for such a long time! Be sure the change does not affect your activity in...
Affiliate Program

Update Alert! ChatBot has new pricing

by LiveChat Partners
Partner Program
ChatBot is growing fast! To make our new product more appealing to broader audiences, we’ve recently introduced a brand new pricing. Now, the monthly subscription cost varies between $50 and $499. See the new pricing Obviously, new...

New: Create ChatBot Accounts for Your Clients

by LiveChat Partners
Solution Program
LiveChat Partner Program just got an upgrade! You can now use the Partner Application to invite your clients to start using ChatBot - a powerful new product from our company’s suite. Back in November 2019, we made a ChatBot affiliate...

January 2020 update: Changes in Partner App explained

by LiveChat Partners
Partner Program
We recently made a significant upgrade to LiveChat Partner Program by equipping the Partner Application with an option to create ChatBot accounts on behalf of your clients. Implementing such a significant feature entailed a number of...

Earn by promoting ChatBot - new product in LiveChat Affiliate Program.

by LiveChat Partners
Affiliate Program
LiveChat Partner Program has a brand new product you can now promote. Share ChatBot referral link and turn it to a new source of passive income! ChatBot is a powerful software for building AI bots for business. We want it to conquer a...