timestamp1588762920001Country Name On Host Pageby Px MxThe host page was displaying the country name "Russia" for all IP addresses. This has been corrected to display the correct country name for the IP address.
timestamp1587783120001API Response Headers - Usage Statusby Px MxTwo new headers have been added to API query responses. These headers provide the status of current API usage. honeydb-qpm-remaining - The number of queries you have remaining for the month.
timestamp1583969820001Agent Release (v1.12.3)by Px MxA new version of the agent has been released. This release fixed a bug in the build of the previous release (v1.12.2). That release has been removed from the package repository.
timestamp1583842980001Agent Release (v1.12.2)by Px MxA new version of the agent has been released. This release fixed bugs in the file get and put commands for the TFTP plugin.
timestamp1582947060001Agent Release (v1.12.1)by Px MxA new version of the agent has been released. This release fixed the build to properly include the Clickhouse HTTP plugin.
timestamp1582553640001Agent Release (v1.12.0)by Px MxA new version of the agent has been released. This release adds a new plugin for emulating a low interaction Clickhouse HTTP service.
timestamp1581852780001Agent Release (v1.11.0)by Px MxA new version of the agent has been released. This release improves performance of event log processing.