timestamp1738590887227Agent Release (v2.3.18)by HoneyDBA new release of the agent has been published. This release includes various packaging fixes. New package for Ubuntu 24 and an MSI for Windows with signed binaries..
timestamp1711017606380HoneyDB Agent v2by HoneyDBVersion 2 of the HoneyDB Agent has been released! In this version there are several internal code optimizations, upgrades and bug fixes. Notably there are significant enhancements to the SSH, Telnet, and FTP plugins. In addition, custom
timestamp1707879344263New Endpoint for IBM Cloud IP Rangesby HoneyDBAdding to the Datacenter helper endpoint, IBM Cloud IP ranges is now available. See details here https://honeydb.io/threats#datacenter
timestamp1669648349149New API Endpoint for Payload Historyby HoneyDBnew endpoint has been added to the HoneyDB Threat Info API. The “Payload History” endpoint provides access to historical payload data going back to 2014. For more details see the introduction write up on this endpoint here
timestamp1667925624425API Access Updateby HoneyDBAll API access plans now have access to ALL endpoints! Previously, API access plans were broken down by queries-per-month (QPM) and specific endpoint access. Now the difference between plans will be QPM. The only exception is with
timestamp1667649495854Removed threatcrowd from IP Infoby HoneyDBThe threatcrowd.org service is no longer available. Queries to this service has been removed from the HoneyDB API (IP Info endpoints).
timestamp1661518610939Server Outage (8/26)by HoneyDBThe HoneyDB web site and APIs were unavailable from approximate 4am to 6:30am EDT. There was an issue with the hardware hosting the web site and API. The web site and API were restored to a new host to resolve the issue. Apologies for any
timestamp1660665664428New API Endpoint for ASN Statsby HoneyDBA new endpoint has been added to the HoneyDB Threat Info API. The “Stats ASN” endpoint provides a list of Autonomous System's (AS) and count of corresponding IP addresses that have interacted with HoneyDB honeypots. For more details visit
timestamp1612635906204IP Info Helper Endpointsby Px MxNew IP Info endpoints have been added to the HoneyDB Threat Info API. These endpoints help to provide additional threat context of an IP address. Query the endpoints to determine if an IP is: A bogon IP A Tor exit node On one of the